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(Self Portrait with daughter Isabella)

Watercolor, Color Pencil and Gold Leaf

In March of 2016 Mariana gave birth to daughter Isabella. To commemorate the joyous occasion she created this self portrait with her child. The work is filled with personal symbolism as with most of Mariana's work. Mother and daughter share a connected and loving embrace while three dimensionally framed by iconic designs.
The Vesica Piscis is an ancient sacred symbol of two interlocking circles where the circumference of one circle goes through the center of another identical circle. Its geometry symbolizes a union of heaven and earth, of spirit and matter. This symbol, and the Celtic motif around it, are quoted from the cover design of a very mystical place in Glastonbury, England, called the Chalice Well.
The lotus flower at their base is linked to one of the artists' favorite sayings "No mud, no lotus". A reminder that for heavenly gifts and achievements, we must often learn to work through discomfort, doubt and angst -and that in fact, it is working through them and choosing a better path that our faith is strengthened and our fate is written. The color of the flower has a purple underside and pink tips: in a lotus, purple is a symbol of rebirth and pink a symbol of love and devotion.
Surrounding them, the gold leaf reminiscent of icons. The presence of a gold background, just as in Medieval symbolism, an echo of the spiritual realm.
The title of the work is in honor of a meaningful song made popular by Elton John called "Blessed" and heard by Mariana in her mid twenties. As with the Chalice Well, both are related to historic moments, prayers and promises about one of the Artists' most important life wishes.


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